
pyVIA.plotting_via.plot_viagraph(via_object, type_data='gene', df_genes=None, gene_list=[], arrow_head=0.1, edgeweight_scale=1.5, cmap=None, label_text=True, size_factor_node=1, tune_edges=False, initial_bandwidth=0.05, decay=0.9, edgebundle_pruning=0.5)[source]

cluster level expression of gene/feature intensity :param via_object: :param type_data: :param gene_exp: pd.Dataframe size n_cells x genes. Otherwise defaults to plotting pseudotime :type gene_list: list :param gene_list: list of gene names corresponding to the column name :type arrow_head: float :param arrow_head: :type edgeweight_scale: float :param edgeweight_scale: :param cmap: :type label_text: bool :param label_text: bool to add numeric values of the gene exp level :param size_factor_node size of graph nodes :type tune_edges: bool :param tune_edges: bool (false). if you want to change the number of edges visualized, then set this to True and modify the tuning parameters (initial_bandwidth, decay, edgebundle_pruning) :param initial_bandwidth: (float = 0.05) increasing bw increases merging of minor edges. Only used when tune_edges = True :param decay: (decay = 0.9) increasing decay increases merging of minor edges . Only used when tune_edges = True :param edgebundle_pruning (float = 0.5). takes on values between 0-1. smaller value means more pruning away edges that can be visualised. Only used when tune_edges = True :return: fig, axs